3 - 15 日 ご注文から. 信頼度 非常に良好.
商品説明The sleek new Leatherman Skeletool CX gets you back to basics... very cool basics. The Skeletool CX has only the most necessary of multi-tool features, because sometimes that's all you need. With a 154CM stainless steel blade, pliers, bit driver, pocket clip and carabiner/bottle opener, you're set. Lightweight, low volume, perfect size. The Skeletool CX: who says more is better?
大体の商品の大きさ、または製品パッケージの大きさは 130 x 90 x 48 mm.
重量0.19 kg(製品パッケージ込 0.203 kg)
保証期間300 ヶ月
製造国 アメリカ合衆国
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